Thursday, April 7, 2011

That You May Believe

Read Jeremiah 26 Read John 20 I'm going to comment on John 20 today, but refrain (just for a little while) from focusing on Jesus' resurrection. Although, how can I not acknowledge that blessed miracle, that living hope, that life-giving Good News and give thanks with all rejoicing and praise!! Our Savior alive again!! Rising to defeat death, and living to give us life!! Oh, see, there I go. But back to some Lenten restraint...We will have plenty of time to rejoice in the resurrection on Easter and in the season of Easter. I look forward to it every year! But think for a moment about John's comment at the end of this chapter: "30 Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." John succinctly summarizes the purpose of his book, and the message itself. Jesus is the Savior, True God and True Man, and it is through faith in him that we receive remission of our sins and everlasting life in heaven! We could say that this is not only the purpose and message of the book of John, but also of the Bible! Does the Bible answer every question we will ever have? No. Someday we will have all the answers, but for now we have to learn to be content with our wonderings, content to receive from the Lord what he is pleased to reveal to us. I like to joke with my 7th grade confirmation students when they ask questions I can't answer: "When you get to heaven, go through the big pearly gates, take a left, and right next to the ice cream stand is the information booth!" We may not have all our wonderings answered. But why do we have what we have in the Bible? That we may believe! Turn that concept around for just a moment and ask a related but different question? How is it that people come to believe in Jesus? Is it through the power of God as it works through the Word. It isn't through any kind of environment, experience, or emotion we can create. It is because of the Word, and the Word alone. That's why John wrote. That's why we read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the Word of God. That's why we share God's Word! I encourage you all to take Scripture to heart so it is ingrained into your minds! Memorize it. Speak it often. That way we have the Spirit-filled Word on our tongues, not some dumbed down (or even convoluted) personal summary statements about "God this" and "God that." You are not going to be able to say it any better than the way God has said it. And do not be afraid. This very Good News of Jesus is what forgives you your witnessing failures and strengthens you to be God's mouthpiece. May the resurrected Christ be with you in your witnessing endeavors, even as he has promised! Pray: "Let me gladly share this Good News, O God, that others may believe and live. Amen." (TLSB p. 1826) Study with me tomorrow, Pastor Jon Soli Deo Gloria!

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