Another week begins in God's mercy and favor. We had our day to "hear preaching and his Word," as Luther instructs in his explanation of the 3rd Commandment. Now we are off on our busy week. I'm glad you took a few moments to focus in what is most important today. God will hear your prayers, and he will speak to you through his Word!
Read Psalm 16
This psalm is included in one of a pastor's resources called the Commendation of the Dying. The short devotion is a preparatory rite that commends the dying person into the Lord's hands. The rite is a great comfort to the dying person as well as all the family gathered around because through it the pastor delivers absolution, the assurance of eternal life, and peace through the Good News of Jesus Christ.
This psalm is included in that rite because it speaks about the most important issue: faith. Are we going to keep the 1st Commandment, which is kept only by faith? Or are we going to participate in idolatry? As we pray Psalm 16 (whether on our death bed or any other time) we are reinforcing our Christian walk of faith. We will not participate in idolatrous sacrifices (libations of blood). We will not participate in the sorrows (and ultimate damnation) of those who run after other gods. Neither will we misplace our trust. Rather, trusting in our Savior, we have an inheritance promised to us by the One True God. Therefore, we will not be shaken. We are glad and rejoice - yes, even while dying. For us there is fullness of joy and eternal pleasures! No wonder this psalm is in the Commendation of the Dying. What peace and comfort it contains! What encouragement to believe when this life is at its close! We, his holy ones, will not see corruption. Though our bodies die, yet shall we live. Yes, our souls will live on with the Lord, but (even better than that) our bodies also will rise again on the a Last Day! Then we will forever be with the Lord and with fellow believers in the New Heaven and New Earth.
And how is that possible? Because of Christ, the Holy One. He was not abandoned to the grave, nor did his body see decay and corruption (16:10). Though he died and was buried, death could not contain him. The grave could not keep him. Not even hell could hold him. But he rose from the dead! And because he rose, we too will rise. We are united with him in our Baptism, and therefore we will be united with him in a resurrection like his. Thanks be to God!
Read Genesis 17
We left poor Sarai in a terrible state on Saturday. She was waiting and wondering if indeed God would keep his promise to Abram, and if God would indeed use her to bear the child. She would have to wait another fourteen years before she would bear Isaac (this is a correction from Saturday when I said it was 13 years).
But now the time is near, only 1 year away! And God reassures Abram that he would be a great nation, and that it would be his wife Sarai who would bear the son.
God is gracious to give them some reminders, some signs. One sign is a name change for both Abram and Sarai. Abram is renamed Abraham. Now every time someone calls his name, he will be reminded that he will father a multitude! What a great reminder. The best I can tell, the meaning of Sarai's name is not changed when she is now called Sarah, but we could argue that the different pronunciation will effectively remind her that God has renewed his promise and has expressly included her.
Then God gives another sign: circumcision. What a weird sign! But whatever we might think about the strangeness of it, it sure was an effective reminder. St. Paul tells us that this circumcision was a seal (a ratifying and reminding) of the righteousness that Abraham already had by faith (Romans 4:11; Genesis 15:6). This is how God's people would be distinguished.
And maybe the sign is not in an immediately visible spot (hopefully) so that it resembles faith. You can't always tell by looking at a person if they believe or not, but in truth they either belong to God or they don't. There is no middle ground. You are God's, or you are lost.
But notice that provision is made not just for Abraham and those who are in the ancestry of the Messiah. No, there is provision not only for those born into Abraham's family, but also for those bought or otherwise acquired as well. You see, through Abraham all families of the earth shall be blessed. There is room for all to be included in the promise of righteousness by faith.
Still today God is in the business of including others into the promise. Not just for Jews, but salvation is also for Gentiles, as the Gospel is proclaimed to the ends of the earth. And we get to be part of that! How exciting.
Through Jesus all the families of the earth are blessed, and we get to share Christ as we interact with people and families of all kinds. What a privilege!
Ask Yourself:
How do we fail to fear, love, and trust in God above all things?
What can I do today, rather, to keep the 1st commandment? How will I commend myself into his hands?
What reminders has God given me of his promises? What reminders can I create for myself?
What more can I do to extend the salvation of God to all people?
Pray from your heart today, that God would strengthen you today to walk in righteousness by faith. Ask him to help you keep him as the number one priority in your lives. Ask him to remind you of all his gracious promises. Then ask him to be with those who are near the end of this earthly life, that God would protect and preserve them, and enable them to face death boldly by faith, knowing that they have their inheritance.
Study with me tomorrow,
Pastor Jon
Soli Deo Gloria!
So, I'm assuming God explained what circumcision was as well and we're just not getting that part of Scripture, because I'm imagining at least a shocked face from Abraham on this one.
ReplyDeleteI am not trying to be flippant, but that must have been a hard sell for Abraham to go back that day and convince all of the males in the house to be circumcised. These were not infants. I doubt there were many anesthetic alternatives at that time. That was truly an act of faith. Faith is truly powerful.
ReplyDelete"Faith is truly powerful." Yes, Kevin! Amen!