Welcome to the first day of this Bible Reading Program. For today's kickoff, I invite you to poke around this site and learn more about what this tool is all about. Then I invite you to find some quiet time to pull out your Bible and study with me below.
Read Psalm 1Quote from Martin Luther: “Psalm 1 is a psalm of comfort. It admonishes us to gladly hear and learn God’s Word and brings us the comfort that, in so doing, we will have many and great benefits. Just as a palm tree by the water grows green and brings fruit despite all heat and cold and the like, so also all our words and works will prosper despite all enemies.”
From “Reading the Psalms with Luther,” published by CPH.
Read Genesis 1
Quote from Martin Luther: “[Moses’] purpose is to teach us, not about allegorical creatures and an allegorical world but about real creatures and a visible world apprehended by the senses. Therefore, as the proverb has it, he calls ‘a spade a spade,’ i.e., he employs the terms ‘day’ and ‘evening’ without allegory, just as we customarily do. The evangelist Matthew, in his last chapter, preserves this method of expression when he writes that Christ rose on the evening of the Sabbath which began to dawn into the first day of the week (Matt. 28:1). If, then, we do not understand the nature of the days or have no insight into why God wanted to make use of these intervals of time, let us confess our lack of understanding rather than distort the words, contrary to their context, into a foreign meaning.
“Therefore…we assert that Moses spoke in the literal sense, not allegorically or figuratively, i.e., that the world, with all its creatures, was created within six days, as the words read. If we do not comprehend the reason for this, let us remain pupils and leave the job of teacher to the Holy Spirit. However, these days are distinguished in this way: on the first day the formless mass of heaven and earth was created, to which later on light was added; on the second, the firmament; on the third, the earth, with its fruits, was brought forth out of the water; on the fourth the heavens were adorned by the creation of the sun, moon, and stars; on the fifth, the fishes of the sea and the birds of the air; on the sixth the land animals and man were created.”
Luther's Works (1:5), CPHMeditation:How fascinating to have these two chapters read together on the same day! We see in Genesis 1 that God is Creator. There was no accidental joining of electricity to amino acids that caused life. No! The Father speaks, through his Word, it is created, and the Spirit hovers over the waters. Triune God, Father, Son, and Spirit are present and active.
Is it any different in Psalm 1? How do we regard one who delights in the
instruction of the Lord? (Yes, many translations use the word “law.” This would be “law” in the broad sense, referring not just to God’s commands, but also his promises. The Hebrew word is
torah, which refers specifically to the first 5 books of the Bible, including Genesis of course, but then also broadly to God’s instructions.) So, how do we regard one who delights in the instruction of the Lord? He/she is like a tree, planted by streams of water. When you are planted in God’s Word, you are like that tree. You have a source of living water, so you do not dry out. Even in the heat or cold you are fruitful, connected to that living water. The Word of God is your life.
That Word is creative. Today God tells you that he recreates you through his Word, giving you new life. Just as he made trees on day 3, so also he creates you to be a fruitful tree in his Word. What a way to start our daily Bible reading program! There is life in the Word. And there is provision for all our needs.
In the beginning – what a way to start. The Evangelist John tells us in chapter 1 verse 1, “In the beginning was the Word.” We see that Word create. We see that Word become incarnate, suffer, bleed, die, and rise for our forgiveness and new life. We see that Word still dwell with us today, as we study the Scriptures. What a precious gift. And what a precious new life we have in Him.
Ask yourself:Am I dry and parched? What quenches that thirst?
The God who creates is powerful. Do I trust that power in times of trouble?
God created man in his image, male and female. He called day 6
very good for that reason. Do I see all other humans as valuable and precious?
Pray:Lord Jesus, Word of God Incarnate, we see that we are created by you, sustained by you, redeemed by you, and made holy through you. Bless us, O Lord, that we might be like a tree planted by streams of water. We are righteous because of your blood, and you know our way, our every step. Be near us. Be with us. Be in us. Help us, Lord, to live. Help us to live truly, strongly , fruitfully for you alone. To you be the glory. Amen.
Friends, please study with me tomorrow.
Your fellow Good Book Worm,
Pastor Jon